Tweens & Teens – Session #1 Follow Up

It was a pleasure meeting all of you this morning at our first Parenting Together (Jan 2024) class.  Signing up for an 8 week course is a big commitment! We appreciate everyone’s willingness to be a part of this and we are looking forward to getting to know you more. 

We have included links to the videos we showed in class below, in case you wish to view them in their entirety.  Also, don’t forget to check out the Parenting Together website! This is where you can find the google slides from each class, as well as links to additional videos, resources & take home tools.  some resources require the password: cacparent.  

HOMEWORK : Each week we have suggested reading and homework. This week’s homework is as follows:

  1. Read Positive Discipline for Teenagers Introduction, Chapters 1 & 2
  1. Ask your teen whose side he or she thinks you’re on. Using 1 of the 7 Tips for Creating Connection with Your Teen choose what you could do differently so your teen would know you were on his or her side 
  1. Journal Prompt: (see Homework Handout Session #1) 

Have a wonderful rest of the week! 

All the best, 

Carey & Amira 

PD for Teens with Jane Nelsen 

Toddler VS Teen 

Sarah-Jayne Blakemore: The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain

Parents Are the Lap Bar for Teens